Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Congratulations to Barack Obama!!! I know it's late, but it cannot be said enough. Historic and like Kanye said, "You can't tell me nothing."

Since Barack began campaign he has turned into a global brand. His brand has turned up a lot a merchandise and other things that help spread his message of change and hope and to permeate popular culture. Barack's has touched everything iconic and put his name on it. "Barack is the Future" playing off "Back to the Future" , the classic movie of the 80s to Barack as Air Jordan on many streetwear t-shirts. But now Barack has touched territory that I would have never thought he could touch and that is the classic Super Mario Bros. game. The classic game has been spun as Super Obama World, where Obama is Mario and goes on a journey through Alaska, stomping on the heads of pigs with lipstick and lobbyist. Though I have not played this game much, it is fun and kind of funny. A great way to waste time at work or in class. Barack is really reaching all levels of the world and is easily the most culturally relevant president there ever was.

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