Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Quote of the Day --- "Friends"

"A man should choose a friend who is better than himself. There are plenty of acquaintances in the world; but very few real friends."
--Chinese Proverb--

A real friend is someone who is friends with you for who you are, not for what you can do for them or a certain image they are attempting to portray. I have come to realize that a lot of people that I considered friends are truly just elevated acquaintances. The only person they are a friend to is themselves and they would never put themselves aside for anyone else. The only thing they are concerned about is the image they portray and what everyone thinks about them. There comes a time when you have to accept that and it can be painful sometimes realizing that you are a true friend to someone else and they really never were a friend to you. To move on, you have to cut ties with those people and let them learn for themselves that it is impossible to be successful without true friends that have your back no matter what and that no one likes a selfish taker.

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