Sunday, September 21, 2008

Federal BMX

Federal BMX Team in Paris

I started riding earlier this summer in my free time and just to have something else to do. BMXing is definitely a challenge and something that takes a lot of work, but it is fun as hell. Anywho, any time you start something new you have to find someone to look up to and to look to for inspire. The riders of Federal BMX from the UK are definitely that for me. Their style and the fun they seem to have while riding is crazy. They do a lot of daring tricks and have a care free, go for it attitude about them. What I like about the team is their trips to scenic cities like Paris, London and Cologne where they just take over the streets and landmarks and go crazy. That fearlessness and energy excites me and is definitely something I try to resemble when I am riding or when I am doing anything else in life. The video aboce is from their trip to London. Check Federal out on Youtube as well as on their website.

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