Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Terry Richardson: My Favorite Photographer

T-Rich and Obama

Megan Fox from the Oct '08 GQ
(These photos made me fall in love with this girl, who I really did not care much for in Transformers.)

Skateboard P

The 3-Way Kiss

"Terry Richardson is an international celebrity as well as one of the most prolific and compelling photographers of his generation. Known for his uncanny ability to cut to the raw essence of whomever appears before his lens, Mr. Richardson's vision is at once humorous, tragic, often beautiful, and always provocative."

I really like Terry Richardson because he goes away from the norm of what you would normally see in most photography. He has a great way of catching the edgier side of his subjects, but still maintain the image they have set for themselves. His photos are racy, yet classy. They push to the edge without falling over. I admire anyone who does their own thing and brings their own style and is unapologetic about it. That is what I see in Terry Richardson's work, just a man doing what he loves and doing what he loves how he wants to do it. Much Respect to T-Rich.

Terry Richardson Website

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