Monday, July 7, 2008

Quote of the Day --- "Freedom"

"Freedom is that instant between when someone tells you to do something and when you decide how to respond."
--Dr. Jeffrey Borenstein--

This past weekend we celebrated the Fourth of July, the day we gained our independence and freedom as a nation. In celebrating the Fourth, how many of us take the time our from cookouts, fireworks and parties to thinking about what freedom really is and what it is like to not have it. Having that thought, freedom to me is just the ability to think on your own and express yourself no matter what. A lot of people take that for granted, myself included. There are still place to they were you will be killed for speaking for or against a person or movement or simply not dressing a certain way. With that in mind, freedom may seem like a basic thing, but it is so much more. Freedom is a privilege that has turned into habit for many of us. We are not entitled to freedom and we not conduct ourselves as it is something we should have, but rather as a privilege we had to earn and need to respect on a daily basis.

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