Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Quote of the Day --- "Intelligence"

"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it."

Agreed. Being open minded is a quality that really lacks in our society today. When people encounter something that is different, something they do not understand or think is stupid, they are quick to label something negatively and to disregard it all along. All things, if rooted in some intelligent thought or background, should be thought of and considered before just ridding yourself of it. There is so much separation and negative energy amongst people in society today because people are not open minded. Not that all things need to be accepted, but all things should be thought about. Even if one does not agree with something, an educated mind should evaluate how to make that something better or put their own spin to it. A close minded attitude is the downfall to our society and holds back a lot of individuals from gaining their true potential.

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